April 9, 2011   Posted by: Dr. Ace Jeangle

BeagleBoard-XM with NEC LCD display

Today I tried add-on LVDS board with NEC LCD panel. Photo is attached. As you can see, now BeagleBoard logo is clearly visible, because NEC panel has lower brightness comparing to Litemax.

Also, NEC panel requires to install R9 and R10 pull-ups to switch panel to 24-bits color mode.
51 comments posted in: blog
  1. Hesham Elsaghir
    Apr 26, 2011

    Hi, I am so glad to find this blog. I was looking and trying to learn more about interfacing Beagleboard and PandaBoard to and LCD. I got few of these LCDs I got from monitors and I wanted to interface a PandaBoard. so, do you think this would work for the PandaBoard? thanks

  2. BB LVDS
    Apr 26, 2011

    Hello Hesham,

    From PandaBoard schematic, looks like that it should also work OK, because PandaBoard uses the same LCD headers pinout as BB. But I don't have Pandaboard, so can't test it for real.

  3. Pancakes
    Apr 28, 2011

    Hey, do you know whether this would work with an Eee PC 900 display? Pretty sure it has a standard LVDS connector. Would I require anything else to get it going?

    Also, how does it attach to the Beagleboard? I'm not that handy with a soldering iron… Does it require delicate soldering of tiny points?


  4. BB LVDS
    May 04, 2011

    Hello Pancakes,

    Yes, it should work with EEE PC 900 display – you just have to make custom cable (board side) following LVDS pinout diagram.

    As to connection to BB – LVDS board is connected directly to two LCD connectors on bottom side of BB, so you don't need to solder anything.

  5. Pancakes
    May 10, 2011

    Ah ok thanks. I was thinking of getting something like this http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=110651488618#ht_15316wt_1163 for use in a super awesome tablet project. Problem is my electronics skills are a bit lacking. Is there any way I could pay extra for parts and labor and get a custom cable made?

  6. BB LVDS
    May 16, 2011

    Hello Pancakes,

    Im not sure that LCD on your link has LVDS interface, because it has FPC cable. Looks like, it is usual panel with parallel RGB TTL interface.

    As to your offer about custom cable – we are going to add LCD panel with LVDS cable to our shop end of this month. So, stay tuned for news!

  7. Abeng
    May 23, 2011

    Hi, will this board work with other LCDs or just the NEC? Will it work with the C2 board?


  8. BB LVDS
    Jun 02, 2011

    Hello Abeng,

    It should work with any 24-bit LCD panel with LVDS interface. Also, because BB, BB-xM and PandaBoard – all have the same pin configuration of LCD connectors, this LVDS add-on board should work with all these boards. We used BB-xM for our tests.

  9. Daan
    Jun 04, 2011


    Does is work out of the box, or do I need to install some drivers / kernelpatches?

    Is it true that the only thing I need is your add-on and a LVDS-screen with a know pinout?

  10. alimir
    Jun 09, 2011

    Do you know where to buy the NEC LVDS LCD? Do you have the Datasheet? Could you please share?
    Many thanks…

  11. BB LVDS
    Jun 28, 2011

    Hello Daan,

    You don't need to change anything in kernel – just set correct LCD parameters in kernel environment variables (umon: commands "setenv", "saveenv"). Both video systems (LVDS and DVI) will work at the same time.

  12. BB LVDS
    Jun 28, 2011

    Hello Alimir,

    We bought NEC LCD right from NEC, Japan. It is used in one of our industrial project with BeagleBoard. Unfortunately, I can't share datasheet, because we signed NDA with NEC. Sorry!

    Jul 18, 2011

    Great board,

    I have an IBM LCD with LVDS interface, also with 4 wire touch screen. Does any one know how to interface the Touchscreen part to a BeagleBoard or PandaBoard

  14. BB LVDS
    Jul 18, 2011

    Hello PICSTAR,

    Unfortunately, you didn't provide part number or model of your LCD and type of touchscreen.

  15. rolfz
    Jul 18, 2011

    Thank you for the quick answer, am impressed.
    The LCD is a IBM 07k9740, with flat pcb cable. Probably has 4 balanced lines + power/gnd.

    The touch screen is a separate 4 wire cable resistive surface.

    I also have a MXB7846 Chip from Maxim for the Touchscreen, but that means interfacing over SPI with a special to write driver.

  16. BB LVDS
    Jul 18, 2011

    Hello Rolfz,

    Following datasheet, you have 18-bits LCD, and our LVDS board requires 24-bits LVDS interface on LCD side. So, unfortunately, your LCD will not work with LVDS board. As to touchscreen, you should check Linux driver for your touchscreen IC. I know that BB Linux kernel has support for TSC2046 IC that is also SPI. SPI interface is available on expansion headers of BB and PandaBoard.

  17. marietto
    Aug 03, 2011

    Hello to everyone.

    I'm looking for a board/converter that can be attached from the LVDS connector of the beagle board XM to the VGA port of the VGA board that I bought (it's compatible with my LCD screen : AUO A080SN01. This picture explains everything :


    In the picture you see that I wanted to find a converter from s-video to vga,but someone said that's better to find a converter from LVDS to VGA or the reverse,I don't know. Anyway that's the problem that I need to fix. I need to make run this system : LCD screen AUO A080SN01 + VGA board + BB XM with a LVDS cable and a LVDS board. Thanks.

  18. Tukkajumala
    Aug 04, 2011

    Hello, is this board compatible with 14.1" SXGA+ screen from IBM T40?

  19. marietto
    Aug 04, 2011

    This is the situation to fix : the BB can't make the boot because the Fit vga converter takes too much power from the battery,since that it is connected through the usb port :


  20. BB LVDS
    Aug 04, 2011

    Hello Marietto,

    It's bad idea to power-up BB through miniUSB socket because of USB current limitation. You'd better use wall DC 5V power supply with at least 2.5A nominal current connected to power socket on BB (it is black color marked with 5V title).

  21. BB LVDS
    Aug 04, 2011

    Hello Tukkajumala,

    This panel has 18-bits LVDS interface, so it will not work, because our LVDS board supports 24-bits LCD panels only.

  22. Christian
    Aug 04, 2011


    I've used the LVDS-LCD board to connect an NEC NL8060BC21-06 to the C4 Beagleboard. The image displays correctly, but the colors do not. Depending on what is on the screen, certain colors do not show up and others have a 'rainbow' effect; as though oil had been poured over them.

    I have tried 6 bit (252k colors) and 8 bit (16.77M colors) on the FRC pin, both of which look the same. The only options on the data sheet are color select (FRC) and scan direction (DPS). Is there anything else I can do to get the colors to display correctly? Or would it be better to switch to a different screen?

    Thank you.

  23. BB LVDS
    Aug 04, 2011

    Tukkajumala, just small add-on to my post. It will not work if you use PandaBoard, because its OMAP4430 can't change endianness of bits in color pixels. But you can use tour LCD with BB and BB-xM boards, because DM3730 and OMAP3530 have special bit in register DISPC_GFX_ATTRIBUTES that allows to change endianness.

  24. BB LVDS
    Aug 04, 2011

    Hello Christian,

    I checked datasheet of your LCD – it has LSB 24-bits mode. But BB OMAP3530 uses MSB 24-bits mode by default. Therefore, you should patch Linux kernel to change init value of DISPC_GFX_ATTRIBUTES register to ensure that bit DISPC_GFX_ATTRIBUTES[10] is set to 1. This will change endianness of data pixels and you will get true colors. If patching Linux is not your way, then you should search for LVDS LCD panel with MSB mode.

  25. marietto
    Aug 04, 2011

    The battery that you see on the picture can give power in two ways :

    a) through the USB port
    b) through a port that can give regulated voltages,from 5V to 19V

    The problem is because the port on the point B is already taken. I use it to keep turned on the LCD screen,with +12V.

  26. marietto
    Aug 05, 2011

    Maybe I found the solution of my problem.

    @BB LVDS : can you suggest to me a 8" LCD screen that works with your PCB board ? How many inch has the NEC LCD display ? And what's the its model name ?

  27. BB LVDS
    Aug 05, 2011

    Marietto, then you should check max. current that your battery can supply on both ports. You will need at least 2A for 5V port, and 1A for 12V for normal work of BB with attached 8-10" LCD panel.

    I used NEC 10" XGA panel, pn: NL10276BC20-18D.
    If you use BB or BB-xM boards, then you can use any LVDS panel. For PandaBoard you will need 24-bits LVDS LCD panel with MSB mode support.

  28. marietto
    Aug 05, 2011

    @BB LVDS : you said that I need at least 2A for 5V *AND* 1A for 12V ? Do you mean that the LVDS screens need to be alimented with the 3.3V of the beagle board XM/LVDS PCB board *AND* with the 12V of the battery ?

  29. marietto
    Aug 05, 2011

    from the battery customer support : The DC OUT port can output up to 4A and the USB port is rated at 5V and up to 2A.

  30. Meizirkki
    Aug 05, 2011


    So if I modified your board by grounding some pins, I could get my 18 bit panel to work with BeagleBoard?

  31. marietto
    Aug 05, 2011

    I would like to buy your LVDS interface,but I need to get the LVDS cable,because I'm not so experienced to make it by myself. Where I can get it ?

  32. BB LVDS
    Aug 05, 2011

    Marietto, your battery looks like OK for LCD application.
    Regarding LVDS cable – we don't supply any, because every LCD panel requires unique cable due to non-standardized connector on LCD side. Therefore, I would suggest to search for LCD panel that comes LVDS cable.
    Alternatively, you can wait until I get samples of cheap LCD with ready LVDS cable that we are going to sell in bundle with our LVDS add-on board.

  33. BB LVDS
    Aug 05, 2011

    Meizirkki, theoretically yes. But you will also need to patch Linux kernel to properly configure DISPC_GFX_ATTRIBUTES register of DM3730 in order to support LSB mode for LVDS (which is a must for 18-bits panels).

  34. Meizirkki
    Aug 05, 2011

    Thank you. My good'ol IBM is about to go ARM 😉

  35. marietto
    Aug 06, 2011

    Is this screen good ?


    the manufacturer says :

    Thank you for your interest in FEMA's 8" High Bright Panel p/n GM800600W-80-TTX2NLW-H.

    The panel is TTL interface but we can provide an 18 bit LVDS to TTL conversion board to overcome this issue. We can provide a custom LVDS Cable to connect with your single board computer or processor board.

  36. marietto
    Aug 06, 2011

    I placed now my order.

  37. marietto
    Aug 15, 2011

    I would like to know if your NEC LCD screen needs a current from 8.4 to 12V for the backlights and if you have got my order,thanks.

  38. BB LVDS
    Sep 14, 2011

    Hello Marietto,

    You should receive automatic e-mail from our e-shop system after order is shipped.

    Yes, NEC LCD requires separate 12V voltage for backlight.

  39. vib
    Sep 21, 2011

    I wonder if this works with Pandaboard? Can anyone comment, please?

  40. BB LVDS
    Sep 21, 2011

    Hello vib,

    Yes, it will work with PandaBoard if you have 24-bits LVDS LCD with MSB interface.

  41. JF
    Nov 21, 2011


    I've used a LCD LVDS board with a BeagleBoard connected to this screen: G070Y2-L01

    The screen displays dummy datas.

    It doesn't change anything if I pull up or pull down the signal FRC, LR, UD (according to the datasheet of the G070Y2-L01).

    Can it work with the display that I use? Or should I use an other one, like a NEC display?

    Thank you

  42. BB LVDS
    Nov 21, 2011

    Hello JF,

    I checked your LCD datasheet – it supports 18-bits and 24-bits LSB LVDS modes (see p.6.2 on page 17), so no wonder why u see weird data on the screen. You should use v2 of our board, or need to patch Linux kernel to configure OMAP LCD controller to change bit order for LCD data bus.

  43. godheart001
    Nov 30, 2011


    I would like to buy 2 pieces from this: "Assembled and tested PCB board". But it is out of stock. When will i be able to buy them in the future? It is important for me. Thanx

  44. BB LVDS
    Dec 07, 2011

    Hello godheart001,

    Both versions of assembled PCB will be available in stock Monday, Dec-12.

  45. TheBlog
    Dec 18, 2011

    is it possible to get only the 10" lcd ?
    I want to redesign a board according to your schematics (addind some other component like IMU, magnetics sensor…) and use this screen !
    Could you share the sourceode for android 4 and the pic12F sourcecode ?
    Thank you for this great project !

    • Dr. Ace Jeangle
      Jan 11, 2012

      We do not sell separate LCDs.
      PIC sources are available in Support/Sources section.
      Android sources are available at Google. Instructions on Android ICS builing will be posted as a separate post maybe next week.

  46. Jatin Sharma
    Dec 26, 2011


    I have just received a 10" LCD LVDS bundle with touchscreen and ambient light sensor from


    I want to assemble the cables and the screen with the board. Could someone please share a pdf/link on how to do that. I am especially confused how to connect the USB cable which has a very thin strip of wires on the other hand.


  47. Jatin Sharma
    Dec 26, 2011

    I have connected the screen with the Beagleboard and it works but touchscreen doesn't work. The image on website shows USB strip connected to LCD screen but I have received it disconnected from it. It is very hard to solder or connect it.

    Please help.

    • Dr. Ace Jeangle
      Jan 11, 2012

      Jatin, I’m surprised that you got USB cable unsoldered. Sorry! Can you please drop email to me with photo of your LCD touchscreen part and USB cable. I will email to you detailed instructions how to solder it properly.

  48. Tushar
    Dec 26, 2011

    I have received a 10" LCD LVDS bundle today and found that the package was damaged. The USB wire for touchscreen is broken and LCD metal body is distorted.

    I ordered it using DHL shipping($46) and also paid custom duties. Now what shall I do with it! How can I get it replaced?


    • Dr. Ace Jeangle
      Jan 11, 2012

      Tushar, I sent email to you with instructions. Please answer it.

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